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Stories from our visitors

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Thursday, November 3, 2005

Name: Patrick C Ryan

Comments: Just found your page. I worked for Mr. Polak from 1964 to 1982. I had just closed my shop in San Diego and moved to Manhattan Beach and got at shop in Hermosa beach. After work I stopped at the little bar down from the Porsche store and ran in to Mr.Polak, he asked me what I was doing up here. I told him I had moved to the beach. I met Mr. Polak again at SCCA and cal club races. He asked me how much money I was getting and right off the top he said Englishman I give you $400.00, that saw the start of 18 or 19 great years with the most wonderful boss ever in my life. I started at old BMW shop. We had green and yellow BMW that was it. I open the new store and was service manger until Mr.Polak got Hans Adams, I worked part time on the race stuff 3.0 BMW csl, 2002, with all drivers on your page one. VPRacing.com has the old gray matter going full blast. Thanks Pat Ryan

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