vpracing.com Porsche Racing Posters
         for the Porsche enthusiast

auto racing drivers

It takes more than machines

The engineers made them possible, the mechanics keep them running, but's the drivers who get the glory. Why do they drive race cars? Some would say because they have no choice. As long as there is a Porsche with an empty seat, they cannot walk away. Why do we love them? Because they do what we cannot or dare not... they live our dreams.

We have just begun to list their names; the list will grow as we have more biographies to post. If you would like to share your knowledge and your passion, there is a spot for you somewhere on this site. See Our Site for submission details.

[ Jacky Ickx ] [ Brian Redman ] [ Jack McAfee ] [ Milt Minter ]
[ George Follmer ] [ Davey Jordan ] [ Leo Kinnunen ]

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