Suffice it to say that the decision on when to cut down our 'Bradford' Callery pear trees has been made.
The trees are being cut only on weekends, starting on 2 April. I talked to three different workers and they estimated that it would take three to four weekends to cut all the trees. After removal, the stumps will be ground out, then a new tree planted.
The next step after tree removal is for all the residents of each Circle, Place, Court and Drive to determine what tree they want planted on their street. And the choices are... THESE plus Autumn Purple Ash and Cimmaron Ash. Also see: Street Tree Information notes.
The residents of each street must come to a consensus as to which tree they want. Evidently, a lot of people have been emailing the city arborist, offering additional trees for consideration. My understanding is that additional trees will be considered, depending on suitability and availability. Some streets may already have come up with a way to make a democratic choice of tree, but not all have. There is a deadline to get this project done, so I suspect that if the residents don't offer a consensus choice, that a less than democratic choice will be made. If we want to have a voice, we better get started.
DEADLINE. I talked to Mike Perkins (5 Apr, 2:00pm). He would like to know as soon as possible what our tree choices are. They need time for ordering and receiving the trees. So, we are setting a deadline of 15 April to have the street choices in from the street coordinators. River Heights Circle turned in their list on 8 April.
Here is the list of trees that were chosen for the replanting:
- Ann Ct – Pyramidal European Hornbeam
- Alicia Ct – Stewartia Pseudocamellia
- River Heights Circle – Scarlet Sentinel Red Maple (columnar)
- Wendy Ct – Red Sunset Maple (spreading)
- Nicole Ct – Red Rage Tupelo
- Nicole Dr – Cimmeron Ash
- Brandon Place – Tupelo
- Dollar St – Greenspire Linden (little-leaf)
Pruning and Care of Young & Mature Shade Trees (Portland Parks & Rec)
Selecting, Planting, Caring for a New Tree (OSU EC1438) (Staking: p. 12)
Choosing a tree:
From West Linn: River
Heights Repalcement Tree Information.
From West Linn: Autumn Purple Ash and
Cimmaron Ash Additional options.
Street Tree Information
Notes taken from the Albany city website
Email from the arborist: 29, 31 March
West Linn Tree Technical Manual: There was a link to this on the West Linn website. There is some usefull information concerning care of new trees.
If you wish to comment or want anything to be added to this site email the webguy: