New trees for WendyFirst & Final Meeting to Choose our Trees
When: Wednsesday 13 April at 7:oo PM
I hope to have some additional choices, so you will have a
chance to change your vote if something else seems a
better choice. I do NOT have email addresses from all Wendy Court residents. They may not know about this website. Tell your neighbors about the meeting. Maybe they don't care, but if they do, they won't have a vote unless they email or come to the meeting. |
Yes, the removal of our Bradford and
Callery pear trees has begun. The trees are being cut only on
weekends. I talked to three different workers and they
estimated that it would take three to four weekends to cut
all the trees. |
The next step after tree removal is for all the residents of each Circle, Place, Court and Drive to determine what tree they want planted on their street. And the official choices are... THESE. However, other choices could be added. If you wish to propose additional trees, remember, we have a relatively narrow strip to plant in and trees will eventually have to be tall enough to clear moving truck, etc. (13' clearance). Our next step is to choose a tree for Wendy Court. |
There are 15 homes on Wendy Court, 15 votes for a tree. I don't know what the city plan is, but assume that 800 and 801 Wendy Court will also have a vote on River Heights. This will likely be a different tree, since the city has expressed a desire to have a different tree for each street. Since I doubt that we would be able to get everyone together to discuss the tree choices and then make a decision, I suggest that each family make its choice and then email them to me. If anyone else would prefer to do that, I would be happy to put their email address in place of mine. But, in order to speed up the process, I propose that I collect the votes, tally them, then send out an email with the results. Then to wait 2 days for comments and if no problems arise, to send our choice to the arborist. |
To place your vote: List your family's choice for first, second and third choice. Include your address and email me at the address below. There may be a limited number of any species available. Wendy will have the best chance of getting our choice if we respond to the city ASAP. When the votes are in, I WILL email everyone and let them know the results. At that point we would give our choice of the highest vote getters to the city arborist, Mike Perkins. To contact the webguy about this site: |