Email from the arborist

Some of you may not have received these... I didn't.

March 29, 2011

Hello everyone,
It is time to select the new street trees for your neighborhood, as it looks like the pear removal is finally going to happen.  I wanted to get everyone’s input as to what trees should go in on the different streets. When we select trees for a new subdivision, we try to use a variety of tree species to avoid situations like we’re faced with here; you just never know if a particular type of tree is going to prove unreliable over time, or succumb to pests or disease, like what happened when Dutch Elm Disease wiped out many of the large elms in Europe and North America. At the same time, we like the aesthetics and unified look of the streets lined by a single variety of tree. Following these guidelines, we will be selecting different varieties for the following streets:

  • River Heights Circle
  • Nicole Dr
  • Nicole Ct
  • Alicia Ct
  • Wendy Ct

I think it would be ok for Brandon Place and Dollar St to have the same trees as one of the courts since they are somewhat detached from the main part of River Heights. It is my opinion that Johnyne Ct should have the same tree as Nicole Dr, but we can discuss this if needed. Ann Ct stands alone and can select any variety. There is a possibility that certain varieties may not be available in the quantities we need, but we will figure this out as we go along…there are many nurseries we can call!

Please email your ideas to me soon so we can get the ball rolling. I look forward to hearing from all of you.

Mike Perkins
West Linn City Arborist

March 31, 2011

I have been getting emails and calls from people in the neighborhood that were not on my original email list for tree selection, and I fear this could get difficult in a hurry if everyone in the neighborhood starts sending in their preferred tree.  I think it would be best for the folks interested in selection on each street get together, talk to their neighbors, and give me their top three choices for their street.  This will keep things manageable.  I will provide everyone’s names grouped by street, and you guys can select one of you to get back to me with your top three and we can go from there.  I’m going to re-attach the list of trees as well for those that don’t have it.  I think we’re going to add Autumn Purple Ash,  Cimmaron Ash  and "Redbud" as options too as these seem to be available at nurseries and the Black Tupelo may not be… Please do an internet search for more info on these three beautiful trees.

River Heights Circle
     Buffalo Zoebel 503-887-4131
     Laura Stallard  503-299-4077  ex2
     Debbie Meyers 503-650-6523
     Dick and Tammy Krippaehn 503-557-8595
Nicole Ct
     Kirk Danielsen 503-969-8987
     Ron and Jan Mobley 503-557-8919
     Jane Howarth 503-656-9081
     Janet Wheeler 503-722-7343
Brandon Place
     Michael McLaughlin 503-650-6337
     Larry and Mary Kromling 503-772-2112
     Jeff and Jennifer Kohne 503-656-3242
Nicole Dr
     Deborah Maria  503-723-0058
Alicia Ct
     Kristen Senior  503-650-7734
Wendy Ct
     Tamara Griffin  503-332-9282
